
Coloplast develops ostomy, continence, interventional urology, wound, and skin care products and services that make life easier for people with intimate healthcare needs. Coloplast care, designed for people living with an ostomy and people using intermittent catheters, offers straight-forward advice, personalized support, and inspiration.

Coloplast products include ostomy products, adhesive remover spray, leg bag, skin care products and more. Coloplast ostomy bags are all-in-one pouch that fits your body shape and stays discreet. Apart from that, coloplast also carries skin care range that includes brava adhesive remover spray, brava skin cleanser wipes, brava skin barrier spray, brava elastic tape, brava lubricating deodorant, brava powder, brava protective seal, and more.

Brava skin care products are sting0free and easy to remove for your baseplate. It also provides skin protection from output and adhesives.

You can also find products like simpla catheter valve that helps in mobility for the patient with indwelling catheter and simpla catheter straps that are used for attachment or suspension of urinary collection bags.

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